Social Media Marketing in 2012: Working the LinkedIn Social Network

Written by ACHC | Jan 31, 2012 2:11:11 PM

Social Media Marketing in 2012: Working the LinkedIn Social Network

Use of social media marketing platforms has grown dramatically in recent years. 2012 will see increased numbers of individuals and businesses utilizing these technological tools as strategies to build their brand. Using an integrated approach to optimize multiple platforms may be the wisest maneuver.


One of the tools to be employed is LinkedIn. To date, there are over 44 million members in the U.S.; this includes 69 of the Fortune 100 companies. You are enabled to create favorable impressions of yourself and business by marketing your best traits, abilities and experiences through development of your profile. Acquiring a few recommendations enhances the page and strengthens credibility.  As you are searching for connections, concurrently other professionals will be inviting you to connect; you will be building your network. Joining groups will also expand your reach to others.


The effort to make worthwhile connections takes time. Your goal is to communicate often, but not in an overbearing way. A few tips to remember:


  • Periodically update your profile. This could include new experiences or endeavors.
  • Seek relationships with business partners and media contacts representing your profession.
  • Use some key words and phrases in your field of business in your profile. The search engines will pick these up.
  • Use the Share an Update feature. It may be something unique about yourself, an achievement, an award or other information that may be beneficial to people in your network.
  • Practice participating on LinkedIn on a regular and consistent basis.